Looking for warehouse rental in location Prague? Choose from 43 offers of various sizes of usable up to 127885 m2. We specialize in leasing of commercial space all over the Czech Republic. Find the perfect space for your business! We also offer a variety of real estate services. If you are interested, feel free to Contact to arrange a viewing.
P3 Prague D11 is a modern industrial park offering premises for logistics, light production or storage. The site of the park is situated near the D11 motorway at the outskirts of the village Mstětice. The park offers modern flexible units for a wide range of potential tenants. The smallest rentable unit is 3,000 sqm. Custom-built premises may also be offered.
East of Prague near the village of Mstětice.
Easy access from the D11 / E67 highway (Prague - Hradec Králové) via exit no. 8, which is less than 2 km from the park.
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